I grew up during an era where daydreaming was considered loafing or wasting time. The prevailing logic was straightforward: If you were daydreaming, you weren’t working. While reading Brian Clark’s blog on the web site “Lateral Action,” I learned there is sound scientific evidence connecting daydreaming with creativity—people who daydream more are more creative, innovative, and … [Read more...] about Daydreaming Makes You More Creative – by Dr. Ross Reck
Reck, Ross; Dr.
Invest In Relationships by Ross Reck
Several years ago, when I was conducting a seminar in Atlanta, one of the participants stood up and asked, “how come there aren't more millionaires?" As I mulled this question around in my mind, it began to occur to me that the reason there aren't more millionaires, or highly successful people in any endeavor for that matter, is that most people don't recognize the … [Read more...] about Invest In Relationships by Ross Reck
There is a Way to Pay for a Nationalized Health Care Program that Would Make Everyone Happy by Ross Reck
Right now, nobody seems to be happy with President Obama’s proposed health care program. The doctors don’t like it because it stresses cost containment which would interfere with their individual prerogative to practice medicine the way they feel it should be practiced and it would also make it that much more difficult for them to get rich while practicing medicine. The … [Read more...] about There is a Way to Pay for a Nationalized Health Care Program that Would Make Everyone Happy by Ross Reck
Ross Reck : The Quickest Way to a Stagnant Life: Stop Trying New Things
Many of us, if left to our druthers, would prefer to live our lives within the friendly confines of our “comfort zone.” And why not? That’s where life is easy, familiar, and totally risk free. Many people view their comfort zone as a sanctuary that protects them from all the dangers lurking out there in the in the world. The truth, however, is that our comfort zone is more like … [Read more...] about Ross Reck : The Quickest Way to a Stagnant Life: Stop Trying New Things
Excellent Advice for Those Who Want to Fail at Life
A friend of mine posted an Instagram photo on Facebook which contained the following message: 3 Ways to Fail at Everything in Life Blame all your problems on others.Complain about everything.Do not be grateful. People who live by the above three principles spend most of their time making themselves and everyone around them miserable. These are the kind of people no one … [Read more...] about Excellent Advice for Those Who Want to Fail at Life