WXYZ: Writer, producer, news director.
January 25, 2017, Adweek, “Andrea Parquet-Taylor has been named vp and news director of Dallas CBS-owned station KTVT. Parquet-Taylor has been the news director at WNCN in Raleigh-Durham since 2011.”[2]
Andrea Parquet-Taylor – Photo from Terry Pochert’s Retirement Collection
Recent sightings:
- mediabistro.com: Andrea Parquet-Taylor Returns to Raleigh to Lead WNCN‘s Newsroom
- It’s the People Who Made WXYZ Great!
Andrea Parquet-Taylor, Mark Noble, Terry Owens – Photo from Terry Pochert’s retirement collection
- A Busy Newsroom at WXYZ – Circa 1980s
Harry Greener, ?????, Glenn Bar, Andrea Parquet, Donella Crawford, ?????, Steve Kremer, ?????, Al Upchurch, ?????, Glenn Therrien, ?????, Terry Owens – Photo from Terry Pochert’s retirement collection
- WXYZ News Show Producers – Andrea Parquet and Megan Saunders
Andrea Parquet and Megan Saunders – From Terry Pochert’s retirement collection - WXYZ Newsroom circa 1980s
WXYZ: An amazing group of people making WXYZ News number one in the market during the 1980s.
Nelson Burg, Fran Victor, Marv Rockford, Audio: Greg Karrer, Val Clark, Cheryl Chodun, Bill Miller, Jeff Rundell, Bill Becker, Garrett Glaser, Terry Frisco, Mark Zahnow, Denny Shleifer, Andrea Parquet-Taylor, Garry Kelly, Dean Erskin, Al Volker, Jim Powers, Pat Elnicky, Phyllis Eliasberg, John Gross, Charles Munro, Judy Miller, Tom Cleeves